Friday, December 02, 2022


Haiku Friday: Iowa


Traditionally, Iowa has held the first contest in American presidential races, a series of caucuses held by each party throughout the state. The memoirs of many presidents recount long days traversing the state hoping to catch the attention of the natives. Last time around, I made a point of going down to Minnesota's neighbor to the south for some events held in coffeeshops, school gyms and bars-- and it was a fascinating scene.

But, no more. It is looking likely that Iowa is about to lose its first-in-the-nation status next year, as other states will be promoted ahead of it. 

So, what did little old Iowa do wrong?

First, the Democrats really botched the 2020 caucuses there, and results were delayed. The whole process seemed poorly planned and executed.

Second, Iowa isn't very representative of our nation as a whole, and giving its votes an outsized influence is troubling. It's a very white state. Also, the population skews a little old. For example, their senior senator tweeted this out before Thanksgiving regarding his vacuum:

Anyways... let's haiku about Iowa this week. Here, I will go first:

So, so very cold
Highway in the swirling snow
Iowa tundra.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern, and have some fun!


The minivan mom
Busted on I-35
Within Iowa

I wasn't speeding
Cop looking for a blue van
Not our family.
Pasta Barilla!!!
I always liked to announce
As we sped by Ames.
Fields of corn, endless...
Someone plowed some acreage to
build a baseball field

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