Friday, April 11, 2008


Haiku Friday in the Spring....

As if you couldn't guess, the photo above was taken earlier this week at Boston College, at the lunch with Provost (and Baylor grad) Bert Garza. I love the light coming in from the windows, diffusing through the room and lighting the room with sharp contrasts.

Here are this week's haiku topics:

1) Baylor as Hogwarts
2) BLS Staff shout-outs
3) Worst 1Q moment
4) Boston
5) If there is such a thing as reincarnation, what will Chicago come back as?
6) The Simpsons
7) Bates! The Musical
8) Advice for IPLawBaby
9) The most dangerous part of Waco
10) The Olympic Torch Relay

Here is mine:

Don't take VP Dick Cheney
As your Godfather, please!

You can follow 5/7/5 if you want, but I really don't care so much about structure anymore... just write a haiku-ish thing.

Tom Scholz wrote the songs
Big Hit "More Than a Feeling"
First LP a huge hit
Ged3 needs a home
Will it be Boston, Plano, or
Perhaps Sweet home Alabama.
"I will survive!"
Sung by Bates on a swing
Worth $79.95!
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Undergrad movies
With law students in them make
Baylor not Hogwarts

I think I'll make films
Blackmail Pictures, Inc. sounds good

Coco wants Rickman
In this room. Right here, right now.
C'mere, Severus...
Alone on a bike.
Rural roads. Redneck pickup.
Fear of death. Waco.
Welcome lil' Miri!
Praise God! You are fearfully and
wonderfully made!
Boston Red Sox hounds
I detest your field and ways
Return to your hell.
DON'T take the brown acid
At Bates! The musical.
First floor of Pat Neff,
North end will always be the,
Dangerous Waco.
Olympic torch relay
Defines the word fiasco
Running the blue thugs
Smoky, redneck bar
A trip to The Crying Shame
Dangerous Waco
We are rebuilding
an imaginary house.
Too nervous to hope.

I will not allow
myself to imagine that
we'll ever move in.

For so long I asked,
"What is the lesson I was
to learn from all this?"

This year I've learned lots:
Enjoy TODAY. There are no
guarantees. Live now.
Blurry, rainy
Coldest I'd ever been

In my twenty-five years.
New life smacking me
In the face

That accent . . .
Demanded attention--
"I just moved here from Georgia"

Was my excuse. Always.
Left too soon, just
As spring had blossomed.
Boston, Shmoston
Liberals by a lake
Texas is bestest!
Boston is by a lake? Someone needs to get out of Texas more often!
First day of law school
Counseller makes us tremble
freakin' Pennoyer.
Is that Pennoyer
In your pocket or are you
Just scared to see me?
The Wacoan reports...
A terrifying event...
The Cotton Palace
Worst 1Q moment:
Might be the stress yet to come
Two weeks; might vomit
Rudy's BBQ
Famous way out on west coast
Good meat transcends all

Always dangerous
Would keep eating forever
But for poverty
Finals on the way
And I can not find Baylor's
Room of Requirement.
Baylor disapproves
Of all the magical things
In Harry Potter

It's like Sweeney Todd
But with much crazier hair
Shave and a haircut
Get a Puffalump
Best things ever
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