Friday, February 14, 2025


Haiku Friday: Snowplows


It's a special time of the year here in Minnesota, almost as significant as the revealing of the All-State Hockey Hair Team. Once again, the Department of Transportation has announced the new snowplow names, joining prior winners including "Betty Whiteout." 

So let's haiku about snowplows and related things this week! It's made a little easier since the Virginians on here have actually had to move some snow recently. Here, I will go first:

Ah, here it comes, guys!
Blasting through the drifts and rills:
Anthony Sledward!

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern, and have some fun!

Snow in the forecast
We're off to see the blizzard
Must travel elsewhere

(This week we are thankful for 2 3/4 inches of rain and not 2 feet of snow)
Shovel short driveway
Easy, right? Steep slope, pavers
Help! I need ice cleats
Pristine, perfect snow
Churned and tossed by the snowplow
Turned to dirty slush

Dinosaurs of steel
Scoop their prey and chew morsels
Ice creamed snow, salted.
I fear you,Northern
Beast—my small tamed toy
Quakes in your orbit.
Her lips grazed my ear
As I passed the plow, praying
Grace and survival.

On a rink of snow
He swept mountains aside—
His plow like flat fist.
I gaze at snow and
Think thermometer drop—Ice
Maidens dance solid.
Romance’s lacy
Snow turns to frozen tushes
Couch cuddles follow..
Happy Valentine’s Day, Professor! Thanks for all the fun and meditation!
Shovel the driveway
Plow creates mountain at foot
Clear mountain, repeat
The snowplow guy is
my frienemy. Clears the road
but blocks my driveway.
My father dreamed
Of driving a snowplow on
Snarled Boston roads.

Bad drivers be on
the watch: no messing with this
this man’s behemoth.

Rotaries dispensed with
As the massive V shaped plow
cleared his path with glee.

Aggressive drivers
Dispatched with when they try to
cut him off, such joy.

And parking is never
an issue, clearing his own way:
Oh, Snowplow dreaming!

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