Tuesday, February 02, 2021


My Friend the Celebrity!

 Last Friday I made an appearance on Almanac, which is the most Minnesotan television show ever (I like it a lot). It was just a little interview to update what was going on in the Chauvin case. You can see that here.

 Yesterday, though, I found out that my St. Thomas Law School colleague and friend Mitch Gordon is actually the poet laureate of that show! You can see why here:

 Pretty impressive wordsmithing! I was surprised, though, to find that the award he is given at the end appears to feature Clippy, the super-annoying Microsoft "helper" that would appear on the screen to say "It looks like you are trying to write a letter! Would you like some help?" in a super-annoying voice that conveyed the message that you did not know how to write a letter. I've expressed my true feelings about Clippy before-- if you want to recap, you can do that here.

At any rate, you can see why Mitch Gordon is a beloved member of the faculty here.

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