Saturday, October 10, 2009


A comment worthy of comment

Back on March 22, I posted a note wondering why it is that in movies, the spaceship doors open so slowly, despite their supposed "advanced technology." (As a commenter noted, one should wonder, too, why all those flashing lights are necessary). I just noticed, in response to that post, one of my favorite comments of the year, from Razor Hero of Writing Carl Hoover:

The slow door technology was created for the third generation SUV saucers, allowing soccer mom aliens time to enter the vehicle when their three arms were hampered with grocery and shopping bags.

Though obviously a problem in hyperactive human action movies, the technology was still an improvement over first-generation saucers, which often sported a long nylon filament on top and had no doors at all (see "Plan Nine From Outer Space").

Aliens often seem to have ill-fitting clothes, as well. And why the orthodoxy amongst aliens of flying in a saucer? What is the advantage there?
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