Monday, February 26, 2007


Don't worry-- It turns out Bradley Thomas is OK!

Sorry for my prior post reporting that Bradley Thomas was dead, based on the fact that his blog became increasingly lame and then totally inactive. It turns out I was mistaken.

This afternoon, I ran into Bradley and some of his friends in the parking lot. They seemed to be a little lost, and Bradley looked terrible. I assumed the ashen face and torn and out-of-date clothing, however, were merely the result of his keeping company with Mr. Swanburg in various places of ill or no repute.

It was the same old Bradley Thomas, though! When I struck up a conversation with him he mumbled incoherently and staggered about before laying his cold, sloppily bandaged hand on my face before I was able to escape. I'm just glad that everything is ok and that he is back to normal!

So, you're saying he became a Plaintiff's lawyer?
I spotted him again today. He and Swanny were putting in some tightpants ping pong time.

It was a train wreck. Hideous, yet I couldn't peel my eyes away.
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