Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Election Reflections

I had a brief conversation with Chicago down on the first floor today. He seemed dispirited. Trying to cheer him up, I mentioned that a gridlocked government is as close as we will get for a while to a smaller government. He seemed slightly cheered.

In thinking about the election, I'm going to limit my comments to that extremely limited area in which I actually know something:

1) The MCC bond issue passed.

McLennan Community College is a very good institution. Some of the people I know who teach there, including Dann Walker and Ashley Cruseturner, are among the best teachers I have ever listened to. I really believe that as much as we need institutions like Yale Law School, we also need MCC, and for much the same reason-- to challenge and train people who will be doing important work in the future.

2) Chet Edwards won.

I think that Chet Edwards is a fundamentally decent person. The same may be true of Van Taylor; I just don't know. It makes me glad that Chet Edwards is going back to Congress and representing me. By the way, I'm told that he doesn't like being referred to as "Ched Edwards," or being mistaken for Mayor McCheese. Oops. Sorry, man.

3) The House Judiciary Committee will no longer be run by Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner.

Much of the oversight of federal sentencing comes from the House Judiciary Committee. Under Rep. Sensenbrenner, it has been the source of increasingly unrealistic and poorly-conceived proposed legislation, such as the conversion of the sentencing guidelines to a broad system of mandatory minimum sentences. The new chair will be Rep. John Conyers of Detroit. While he is disliked by some (and never answers my letters), I'm optimistic that he will refrain from any broad changes in federal sentencing not supported by the experts in the field, particularly those at the US Sentencing Commission.

"VI Lenin! Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov!"

Well, at least Chet becomes the head of a powerful appropriations subcommittee, the one for Military Base and VA hospital appropriations. Jackpot for Fort Hood and the Waco VA...
I like your analysis, but you forgot to mention that you will continue to be local head of the Hillary Clinton Fan Club (Waco-Fort Hood), and that you get six more years!! I am still listed as Head Muskrat Catcher?
Just to show that politics are weird, remember this:

-Joe Lieberman, one of the biggest proponents of the war, was easily re-elected... without any Democratic party money or backing.

-Arnold Schwarzenegger was easily reelected as a Republican and brought several other Republicans into statewide office with him.
I know it's childish, but I still like being able to say "Oh yeah? Well my Governor can beat up your Governor!"

Obviously, you aren't from Texas.
Actually, Fort Hood isn't in the 17th Congressional District anymore. It hasn't been since 2003. Chet may help out Katrina victims with little fanfare, but is it really the action of a stand-up guy to call his opponent a carpetbagger for moving from Dallas when that's exactly what Chet did to first run for office in Waco? As a result, I shall call him by his given middle name...Chester. That's fair.
He also doesn't live in the district anymore. He's registered to vote in Virginia.
I would also like to congratulate Congressman Edwards on successfully outlasting Tom Delay, the architect of the Texas redistricting scam. Also the flagship of American journalism, the Baylor Lariat, showed Mr. Edwards and his family voting in Waco on Tuesday so anonymous might want to check on that.
Oh, BlueGapDrifter, you and your constant parade of facts, ruining everyone's fun... like you did when you told me the truth about A & M's mascot...
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