Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Still true...


When I'm teaching class, once in a while a student will bring up an idea for something that could be done in criminal law. Often, what they are suggesting has been tried before, and I talk about it. That known experience can be positive (day fines in Europe, for example, where fines are adjusted for income even for things like speeding tickets-- a good idea that was effective, and should be replicated here), or negative (broad mandatory minimum sentences that rarely work as intended).  

My students usually get it-- they understand that history offers actual lessons that can help us avoid replicating disasters. I like that about my students.

So happy to see that you invoke learning from history with your students. I think one of the greatest societal problems America faces is that we do not take time to review history before plunging into ... something, anything, all things. We tend to have an aversion to learning from history, especially non-American history. And we are the poorer for it.
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