Thursday, March 06, 2025
PMT: Presidenting-- and deporting-- is hard!
According to the New York Times, President Trump and his advisors are upset that the pace of deportations are far behind what they promised, at about 600 a day nationally. An initial burst and Trump's campaign promises set expectations much higher.
A lot of people, of course, are heartened by the struggle to meet those promises. Still it, is important to understand what makes the project harder than expected, and I have some ideas:
-- As the Times piece mentions, folks have been trained to not open the door to agents, and that means they have to actually go get a warrant-- and that takes time and a lot of effort.
-- The promise was to round up undocumented people with criminal records, and the easy way to do that is get them from local jails. That "easy" group has probably already been seized, though, meaning the remaining targets are harder to locate.
-- Many deportations usually take place right after someone crosses the border; they are caught in transit within the US or while trying to get established, when they are most exposed and vulnerable. Because border crossings are very low right now, those easier-to-get people are not out there.
-- Finally, it is just hard to make a case and find a person-- and it should be, so rights are protected.
I would be surprised if they continue to increase resources on this project, as people borrowed from other agencies are already frustrated. It could be that this focus on immigration quietly slips into the background within the next several month.
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I saw yesterday on a news program that the are reopening a previously used migrant detention center in Texas.
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