Thursday, February 20, 2025
PMT: Yes, it's funny. Really.
It's such a thin line these days between truth and parody-- the image above wasn't from someone making fun of Trump. It was sent out BY Trump.
I know that one common reaction is to flip out and go on MSNBC talking somberly about the dangers of incipient monarchy. And there is some of that, yes.
But there is something else going on here too. Look at that image-- it's just doofy, and Trump knows that. It's, at least to some degree, self-parody. It's funny and light and goofy, so long as you don't take it too seriously.
The truth is that two different audiences read this two different ways.
Those who are die-hard opposed to Trump are OUTRAGED! They are horrified that a president would pretend to be a monarch, when our nation is founded on a rejection of monarchy.
But Trump supporters see this and laugh. They laugh because it is goofy, and because they know how OUTRAGED those on the other side will be. They know that progressives will dutifully play their assigned role.
My idea is this. Maybe laugh at it. And meanwhile take seriously new policies and actions, engage with the politics of it and work to make things better. Because while people focus on the distractions, very big things are happening: a global re-alignment, as the US and Russia grow closer, an erasure of checks on presidential power, and a return to institutionalized explicit bias in government (against trans people), among others.
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Mark, I think it is all of the above, as you suggest. Outrage (as I watch MSNBC!), laughter, parody, and an apt caricature/literal reflection of Trump’s unlimited grandiosity/narcissism … and say we, his aspirations/intentions?!?!
A second photo that "he" posted on Truth Social showed him wearing an ermine cape and a crown. I have always known that is how he sees himself but this was not self deprecating humor to him. If those on the left had posted it would be humor.
We are in for a long, dark period in history. We got to sample some ugliness in an ER (ED) waiting room on Sunday afternoon - grateful it was a quiet afternoon. A 60yr old white man and his adult son dressing down the person managing the desk - a black gentleman doing his job asking for ID, etc... the employee was able to de-escalate but for a moment we were feeling the need to step in and help out. Our community is uber progressive and I can assure you these men were not.
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We are in for a long, dark period in history. We got to sample some ugliness in an ER (ED) waiting room on Sunday afternoon - grateful it was a quiet afternoon. A 60yr old white man and his adult son dressing down the person managing the desk - a black gentleman doing his job asking for ID, etc... the employee was able to de-escalate but for a moment we were feeling the need to step in and help out. Our community is uber progressive and I can assure you these men were not.
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