Thursday, February 06, 2025
PMT: Behind the bluster
When someone or a group does one thing noisily and another thing quietly, it is often the quiet thing that is most significant and dangerous.
This week, we have seen a lot of noise-- most recently, President Trump saying that the US is going to occupy and rebuild Gaza after displacing the Palestinians who live there. It was an outrageous suggestion, and people reacted with, well, outrage. It seems highly unlikely that Trump would get the buy-in from Congress and the military to do such a thing, given the recent failed effort simply to install a dock there.
That was the loud part.
The quiet part has been the actions of private citizen Elon Musk and his band of 20-somethings going to federal agencies and accessing their computer systems-- especially those that handle finances and payments.
When the history of all this is written, I suspect the Gaza idea is going to be remembered-- if it is remembered at all-- as noise and bluster. It is the quiet part that may be the historic turning point towards a real threat to our democracy-- the control of our nation's money flow by a private citizen.
But I could be wrong. Or, worse, I could be right.