Monday, February 17, 2025


On Snowplows

 Zounds! We got an epic ode from CraigA, and I'm loving it:

My father dreamed
Of driving a snowplow on
Snarled Boston roads.

Bad drivers be on
the watch: no messing with this
this man’s behemoth.

Rotaries dispensed with
As the massive V shaped plow
cleared his path with glee.

Aggressive drivers
Dispatched with when they try to
cut him off, such joy.

And parking is never
an issue, clearing his own way:
Oh, Snowplow dreaming!

Christine jumped in, too:

Snow in the forecast
We're off to see the blizzard
Must travel elsewhere.

Des has some issues with the snowplow:

The snowplow guy is
my frienemy. Clears the road
but blocks my driveway.

And IPLawGuy (who lives nearby Des) has the same problem:

Shovel the driveway
Plow creates mountain at foot
Clear mountain, repeat.

Jill Scoggins is dealin' with it:

Pristine, perfect snow
Churned and tossed by the snowplow
Turned to dirty slush.

And anonymous has a solution:

Shovel short driveway
Easy, right? Steep slope, pavers
Help! I need ice cleats.

And another anonymous has seen a plow or two:

Dinosaurs of steel
Scoop their prey and chew morsels
Ice creamed snow, salted.

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