Sunday, February 09, 2025


Faith and Government

Something I wrote about not long ago is now becoming very important.

I know that a lot of people believe that a person's religious beliefs should not impact how they think about government and policy-- that our faith only directs us when thinking about the private sector.

What kind of a God is that? If my principles come from my faith, those should be my principles regardless of what I am talking about. Segmenting God out of one part of your life is a strange thing to do, and seems to envision a God that is.... well, less than God, a force that you actually control and can push this way and that.

But when we come down to it, Jesus talked about principles, all the time. The parables were usually about principles, and the Two Great Commandments are more principles than rules. 

And Jesus taught this one principle over and over: We must take care and provide for and respect those who are poor and sick and in prison.

And that is what our government should do, I think-- because my principles tell me that is good and right, and I want my government to do what is good and right. And our government is moving away from that, away from the poor and the sick and those in prison, all over the world and here in our neighborhoods. 

Jesus calls us to do better.

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