Thursday, January 09, 2025


PMT: The Fires


I love California: the sunshine, the cultures, the ability to go from desert to snow to beach in one day. But man, do they get hit with natural disasters!

Now, again, it is fire. The several fires in Los Angeles County have been remarkably destructive in highly populated areas, and the effects will be felt for years:

-- There's little doubt that the insurance claims will be unparalleled. The cost will be enormous, and in the end insurers will end up charging people across the country higher rates. It will be a new form of inflation, and will be especially steep in California-- but the rest of us will probably feel it, too.

-- Politicians of all types will make claims blaming others, of course, and that game has already begun. 

-- What isn't being talked about much, at least not yet, is climate change. I'm not a scientist, but I am looking forward to reading about the connection between climate change and these fires.

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