Friday, January 31, 2025


Haiku Friday: Napping


It's napping season. At least on weekends, if you are a worker bee like me. So let's haiku about that this week-- it can be about anyone or anything taking a nap. Here, I will go first:

Sunlight enhances
Winter sleepiness chances
Now, just leave me be.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern and have some fun...

If Mom is napping
she’s sick. Tip toe outside the
bedroom door and wait.
No more tests to grade
No students seek my wisdom
Retirement: I'll nap.
Shutting my door. But
I can’t let anyone know
why. I need a nap.

We still live in a
place where napping is taboo.
But it shouldn’t be.

I’m much better when
I’ve had a nap. Why can’t YOU
make that fact OK?

Keeping it secret
breeds shame, discounts benefits
I bring from napping.

My nap makes me much
better at doing the job
you hired me to do.

Asleep in Class
Asleep at Church and my desk
Do they count as naps?
Lazy lump at noon,
I couch it.Pillow my head—
Snooze. The phone cat-calls.
Who can fight whole day?
Not me. I revel in cozy..
Nap a queen quilted.
Farmer came for lunch
Rose at four in cold and wind
Couch beckoned,napped minute.
When babe becomes beast—
A signal of down for nap, parents
Love -a brief relief.
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The nap, great concept,
Comes easily to many,
Somniatic bliss

Mid day siesta
Eludes, my mind wanders,
To do list awaits
Evening news nap is
almost a certainty every night:
cuddled by couch, sigh

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