Tuesday, September 03, 2024


The End of the Fair


Now that summer is over (at least in Minnesota), it's time for the State Fair to end, as well. It's been a great year for the fair, with record attendance on several days. The fairgrounds will soon be covered with snow and polar bears.

If you aren't from here, it's probably hard to understand the cultural impact of the Fair, where people eat unusual food,  act like the Butter Queen (technically, Princess Kay of the Milky Way) is actual royalty, and go to the same attractions that their great-great-grandparents did. 

For many people, tomorrow will be the first day of school, which is its own kind of holiday: Such potential! Such vulnerability! Such newness!

So let's go get that....

353 days of normalcy until this awful event drives Minnesotans crazy. Unless you work for the fair or make money off of it, why should anyone care about attendance? A mystery I will never comprehend.
School started in Northern Virginia two weeks ago.
Well, aren't you a bunch of grumpy Gus-es?
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