Thursday, September 12, 2024


PMT: The Debate, part 2


[Photo above, oddly enough, was taken at the Republican booth at the MN State Fair]

I'm still a little amazed at how the presidential debate turned out. I'm realizing in full that Harris did exactly what she wanted-- she provoked Trump into being undisciplined and saying crazy stuff, and then just let him go with it. Shockingly effective. 

It is odd to hear cries from Trump supporters that Harris isn't articulating enough specific policy, when Trump's plan for health care-- after nine years of engaging with the issue-- is that he is examining "concepts" for a plan now.

There is something on my mind about all this, too. 

Yesterday was the 23rd anniversary of 9/11/01. That should be a reminder to us all that leadership, and picking good leadership, isn't a game or way to express our own emotions. There are very real dangers in this world, and a steady hand at the top is important. That disaster reflected a lot of failures by our government, and the cost was horrible. I worry that we treat politics like sports too often; that we are fans of one team or another. Insofar as politics is the form we use to choose leadership, it has to be more than that, or we are all endangered.

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