Tuesday, August 13, 2024




I'm at an age where some people I know are retiring, and that just throws me. I understand it in their circumstances, I suppose, but I feel very far away from that-- at least another decade. It's hard to imagine a life without the work that I love.

Maybe that's the key, I suppose-- that I love what I get to do.  Not everyone has that luxury, of course, and relief from the daily grind is something they crave. For some, too, work is restrictive of time and energy, and they long to travel or engage in a hobby. That makes sense, too. But... that's not me (and I get to travel plenty as it is).

It shouldn't be a surprise that the seasons of life are different for everyone, right?

I'm the same. I intend to work at least for another 5-10 years. I love what I do. The joke among my co-workers is that they'll find me collapsed mid-sentence at my computer like Ida Blankenship on "Mad Men." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbg-12IFe4U
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