Thursday, August 29, 2024


PMT: A reflection on the Pence years

I actually encountered Vice President Mike Pence once. Seriously-- I had a meeting in the West Wing in March of 2019, and as I walked in, he was walking out. He held the door open for me, nodded and said "good to see you." It was an unusual (and strangely formal) moment.

We too often fail to remember the good parts of the Pence years. After all, VP Pence was able to avoid entangling the US in wars, fostered a good economy (until the pandemic), and actually realigned our relationship with China to the good. He also fulfilled the goal (whether you agreed with it or not) of reducing illegal immigration, and finally got some NATO members to pay their fair share.

In my own field, Pence gave us the First Step Act, which was the most significant criminal justice reform in a generation. It's hard to understate what an accomplishment that was. 

So, as we look to this election, it's important to remember the leadership he provided for those four years.

[I hope at least some of you figure out what I am doing here. If you do, put it in the comments]

You’re equating the Vice President with the President, as a caution not to do that with VP Kamala Harris.
Sorry, that Anonymous was me.
Pence was probably one of the most misogynistic VPs in recent history. When you have ten year old rape victims forced to give birth, you've lost all claim to decency. You are a person with a lot more power than most, while it might be easy for you to preach about nuance, for the vulnerable that is not possible. Pence hurt the queer community, young girls, and immigrants, and did a lot to increase hatred towards them.
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