Saturday, August 24, 2024


More AI Images

 This is what I got for "furniture shopping in Dallas," where apparently this woman is buying an enormous chair. My favorite detail is the guy in the blue shirt looking on:

Here we have "Kittens moving to Staten Island," and they do not look too happy about it, do they? Apparently, they are taking the ferry.

For "British Royalty on a Roller Coaster," I got this, which represents a very severe and welcome departure for the Brits:

There were a few intriguing outcomes for "Drug Kingpins Playing Hockey." First we have this one, where you have to give them credit for avoiding ethnic stereotypes, I guess. But there is no ice, these guys clearly don't know how to hold a hockey stick, and there is a stick blade that has come to life in the lower left section:

This second one presents the intriguing idea that sorority girls at Clemson may REALLY be the drug kingpins. And why are they playing in an alley? Also, the giant ball is confusing:

And now, my personal favorite, "Bear enjoying the great outdoors." I mean... yeah, the bear IS having fun, but why is he littering? Why are cans flying around in the air? And how did he get a gun?:

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