Friday, August 23, 2024


Haiku Friday: Time for the State Fair!


It's time for the Minnesota State Fair! (image above provided by AI, which appears to think the Minnesota State Fair is exceptionally dangerous, given the crashed vehicles, ferris wheel spinning out of control and the guy in the middle whose arm has been ripped off by some kind of defective ride).
Let's haiku about fairs this week-- any kind that you want. Here I will go first:  
So hard, the waiting
Until it's time for ice cream
Best part of the year.
Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern, and have some fun!

Entering honey
in the fair. The jar has no
bubbles- for the win!
Greasy, crappy food,
Twenty lousy bucks to pass the gate
O how Ihate the fair.
Montana mutton bustin'
So much fun to watch
Grandsons hoped to win but lostt
State or County Fair, bah!
Give me creaky carnivals
Strip mall parking lots
Been to county fairs:
Suburban boy in me loves
all the farm animals

Our state fair is a
Good excuse to overeat
(a)And hear great music
(b)And see superb art
(c)And meet great people
(d)And smell smelly swine
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