Monday, August 26, 2024


Fair (to excellent) Haiku


Great work with the haiku this week! We had this from Craig, who is pro-fair:

Been to county fairs:
Suburban boy in me loves
all the farm animals.

IPLawGuy, in contrast, seems a little cranky:

State or County Fair, bah!
Give me creaky carnivals
Strip mall parking lots.

And this anonymous entry was super-cranky:

Greasy, crappy food,
Twenty lousy bucks to pass the gate
O how Ihate the fair.

Des actually won at the fair!:

Entering honey
in the fair. The jar has no
bubbles- for the win!

Kitty brings the Western perspective:

Montana mutton bustin'
So much fun to watch
Grandsons hoped to win but lost

And Your Tim(e) Has Come is VERY pro-fair (like me)!:

Our state fair is a
Good excuse to overeat
(a)And hear great music
(b)And see superb art
(c)And meet great people
(d)And smell smelly swine

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