Tuesday, August 20, 2024


A message to our new law students


Yesterday, our first-year law students began orientation. Here is what I would like to tell them:

A long time ago, I was deciding where to go to law school. I had gotten into Yale, so I traveled to New Haven to check it out. To be honest, I wasn't exactly lighting up the world in the nearly two years after college; my jobs had included flower delivery, making copies, serving summonses and complaints, and doing financial aid paperwork for music students. I had looked up the background of other Yale Law students, and they were very different-- people had worked at the World Bank in Paris or taught in an inner city school or gotten a Ph.D. 

I found my way to the entrance of the school, pictured above, which was somewhat intimidating. There was a sign on the door that said "Authorized Persons Only," and I wasn't sure if I was authorized. I just stood there for a long time, wondering if I should just go away. Finally, a student came out who had passed me on his way in 20 minutes before, and now saw me still standing there like a dork.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"I'm not sure if I'm a person authorized to come in," I explained.

He seemed a little perplexed. "Well, why do you want to come in?" he asked.

I explained that I had been admitted and wanted to see the place. He shook his head and said "of course you are authorized!" Then he took me into the school and showed me around.

Ever since then, when I doubt myself, I tell myself "You are authorized!"

And now you, new students, are authorized. You belong here. We chose you. None of you are the imposter; none of you don't belong. 

And know this, too:

You are authorized to be wrong sometimes. You are authorized to tell me that I am wrong sometimes (and I am). You are authorized to feel overwhelmed, and scared, and joyful, and relieved, and to fall in love or out of it while you are here. You are authorized to be who you are, and to let that be enough.

Being authorized is pretty awesome. Welcome to it.

Are you back to teaching?
Yes I am!
I KNOW that feeling. And I know about overcoming that feeling. It's not easy, but its worth the effort every time
Thanks, IPLG. I still feel like that guy standing in the doorway sometimes.
Mark, I have the "impostor syndrome" comment with my students, new and returning, before each fall semester. And I say the same thing... You are good enough; we chose you; you belong here. And as IPLG said, overcoming that feeling of bring a fraud or impostor is worth the effort. Every time. ITB
Thanks Prof. Osler -- I love this post. Good luck with the new semester!
Great advice for anyone entering a new phase of life! If you can dream it...you are authorized. Or something like that.
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