Thursday, July 11, 2024


PMT: This strange dialogue


It's a strange time in our nation's history, as we have two presidential candidates and neither one is making much sense.

Worse, the Democrats who might have some sway in urging Biden to step away seem to be playing a weird game. Nancy Pelosi said he needs to make a decision soon, echoing others-- but Biden adamantly has already made the decision to stay in the race. It's like they don't believe him, and perhaps they have reason not to.

In an excellent op-ed in The NY Times, George Clooney made a great argument for Biden to step away, and added an additional fact: that at a fund-raiser Clooney held recently, the Biden who showed up was the Biden of the debate, not the one who ran for office previously. That's scary, and telling.

I'm not one of those who thinks Biden has been a great president, but part of that is because of my rare focus on the issue of criminal justice, where Biden has accomplished far less than Trump did in terms of reform. Yes, that's hard to say as a Democrat, but it's true-- the 1st Step Act was a very significant piece of legislation, and Biden hasn't even tried to do anything of substance in this field. Will Trump do more of that if re-elected? Probably not, and I'm hoping that the Dems settle on a candidate who is better than either Trump or Biden on that issue.

Biden was exactly what we needed in and post pandemic. A steady hand. He dealt with the pandemic, getting people back to work. Getting the supply chain moving again. I think we were fortunate as he undid a lot of the crap the prior administration bungled. No President will ever deal with pardons and clemancy to your liking regardless of party. I do think if he loses his last act should be to pardon his son Hunter just to mess up the next administration.
No no no-- c'mon, Christine, no more family pardons, please.

And some presidents HAVE dealt with clemency to my liking, even in my lifetime (Ford and Carter). And Obama did a lot with it-- I would be happy with half that from Biden, but we won't get it.
I know you would be happy with a few pardons and clemency and you and others seek valid relief. I don't object. But if he loses I won't object to him pardoning his son given the personal threats from a new administration.

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