Thursday, July 18, 2024


PMT: The Attempted Assassination of Donald Trump


It's been a been a bad few weeks for President Joe Biden. The debate was a disaster, his party is divided on the issue of his candidacy, and now he has COVID-- but at least no one tried to kill him.

The attempt on Donald Trump's life, which resulted in an innocent death and several injuries (including Trump's), was a vile act. What's with American's 20-something White guys? It seems like too many of them are intent on making their mark in the world in the worst possible way. As I've argued before, I think the American conception that one's life has to be famous in some way to be significant or meaningful is part of what drives this.

Well, that and the way pretty much anyone can get an assault rifle.

I do think that the assassination attempt will be a turning point in the race and in history. It turned Trump into a more sympathetic figure for many, I suspect, and the iconic imagery from the event will reinforce the image he seeks to project. In no way, though, do I think Trump or his people had anything to do with the shooting; really, who would say "ok, shoot me in the head, but only a little?" 

Biden's circles, inner and outer, are shrinking. He seems angry that people care about his abilities. None of this bodes well for him.

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