Tuesday, July 09, 2024


Me and millions of others....


As readers of this blog know, I was deeply troubled two years ago when Joe Biden decided to run for a second term-- and now my worst fears have been confirmed. Here is the piece I wrote about it for the Waco Tribune Herald. Here is part of what I said there:

We must remember what it is that Biden is campaigning for: To be the leader of the free world when he is four years older than he is today. Given that is the real question before us, Biden’s own deep morality and love for the county should tell him to step aside. His inability to understand, respond and articulate simple messages is not going to improve with age; most of us have seen this movie before with friends and relatives. Age goes in one direction. If Biden was running to be president at some point in the past, it would be different — but his case is to be the president not then, not now, but for several years into the future.

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