Monday, July 22, 2024


It's Recipe Week!! First up: Make your own popsicles!


Sometimes you just want to have a popsicle, but are mad about the high price of store-bought popsicles, so you just do without and get in a really bad mood because you are hot and hungry and really wanted a popsicle. Well, no more! Here is a great recipe for making popsicles at home. 

1. Collect almost anything that even nominally counts as food-- Strawberries, raspberries, donuts, Burger King's original chicken sandwich, gummy worms, Funions, corn, leftover goulash, it really can be anything-- and put it in a blender.

B. Now add honey, vanilla extract, yogurt, and some apple juice.

3.  Run the blender until it looks about right.

4.  Pour the goo into popsicle molds. I love this cheap option available at Amazon.  

5. Freeze for 5 hours and 25 minutes.

Now you are ready for summer!

Five hours and 25 minutes! Dang. I only did 5 and 20. No wonder it still tastes like Goulash
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