Monday, July 15, 2024


In the garden (again)...

 Good stuff people, good stuff! We had two strong anonymous entries, including this:

Front yard pumpkins failed
Farmer's market sunflowers
Delight dog walkers.

Then this:

Pink, white, tangerine
Cosmos bloom in my garden
Grandma's spirit hovers.

IPLawGuy apparently grew Bok Choy?:

Lettuce almost done
Bok Choy, Blueberries are gone
Tomatoes, peps soon!

Jill Scoggins is in the game:

Photos arranged of
kids and grandkids creates my
happiness garden.

As is Des (of course):

The okra isn’t
tall, but those jalapeños-
they don’t disappoint!

And Christine-- sorry about the heat dome!:

Water and sunshine
Heat dome bakes, flowers wither
Hoping for relief

Hummingbirds cruise yard
Seek nectar from resilient
Blooms and my feeder.

I did. And I do most years. This years crop was particularly successful
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