Friday, July 12, 2024


Haiku Friday: How's the garden?


It's that time-- when we kind of know how the garden turns out. Maybe not yours, and maybe not a literal garden, but you know what I mean. So let's haiku about that this week! Here, I will go first:

I'm watching a bee
Its task is to find flowers
Same color as it.

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern and have some fun!

Water and sunshine
Heat dome bakes, flowers wither
Hoping for relief

Hummingbirds cruise yard
Seek nectar from resilient
Blooms and my feeder
The okra isn’t
tall, but those jalapeños-
they don’t disappoint!
Photos arranged of
kids and grandkids creates my
happiness garden.

Pink, white, tangerine
Cosmos bloom in my garden
Grandma's spirit hovers
Front yard pumpkins failed
Farmer's market sunflowers
Delight dog walkers

Lettuce almost done
Bok Choy, Blueberries are gone
Tomatoes, peps soon!
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