Thursday, June 27, 2024


Political Mayhem Thursday: Debate edition!


Regular readers know that I spent literally two years living in fear of this day-- that our (apparent) nominees would be Biden and Trump, and we would face the prospect of them having a debate. And that day is here. Sigh.

Expectations for both participants are extremely low. People think Biden will fall asleep or wander around, and that Trump will obsess over the last election. If either engages in an extended policy discussion-- about literally anything-- they will shoot ahead of these low expectations.

My hope, of course, is that someday a moderator will ask a question about clemency; we care a lot when presidents use it (as Biden did admirably yesterday, pardoning people who were punished for violating anti-gay policies in the military), but never ask about it when they run for office. Maybe Biden will bring up that recent grant, and if he does I will be thrilled. 

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