Monday, June 17, 2024


It's coming! World Cup 2026


I know... we should all be excited now for the Paris Olympics, which start next month, after all. But I'm looking past it to the 2026 World Cup for men's soccer, which is going to be a very different kind of tournament than we have seen in the past.

For one thing, it is being co-hosted by the USA, Canada and Mexico, with games held in all three countries. You can bet there will be real excitement all over once things start. I'm a little bummed that Texas got two host cities (Dallas and Houston) while the entire upper midwest (Chicago, Detroit, Minneapolis, etc) got shut out. Yeah, Kansas City is a host, but that is not the same.

The other big news is that the tournament is expanding from 32 to 48. teams, which means we will see some nations represented that don't usually get in the mix. 

It's never too early to get ready....

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