Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Hunter Biden convicted

 Yesterday President Biden's son, Hunter, was convicted of three felony counts in a federal court in Wilmington, Delaware. The core charges were that Hunter Biden was using drugs at the time he bought a gun, and lied about the drug use at the time of the gun purchase.

The similarities between this outcome and the recent conviction of former President Donald Trump in a Manhattan state court are striking:

-- Both involve members of political families
-- Both convictions were under statutes that are not usually used in this way
-- Both involve a man who was at a low point in his life at the time of the incident
-- Both cases are likely to result in probationary sentences (though others disagree with me on this)

The thing is, the Biden outcome undercuts Trump's claim that the system is rigged against him and Republicans. 

I suppose he could continue to say that IF the argument was that Biden wanted to get Trump and allowed prosecution of his own kid to give him cover. If true... that would be some serious Kaiser Soze shit right there. And I don't think Biden has that in him.

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