Friday, June 21, 2024


Haiku Friday: The weather


We all talk about the weather this time of year-- and especially right now here in Minnesota, where rains are causing flooding. So let's haiku about weather this week! Here, I will go first: 

Blown-over building
A river in the street now
Ah, summer weather!

Now it is your turn! Just use the 5/7/5 syllable pattern and have some fun!

Just please Lord: No hail
Hard balls of fury rain down
Straight for my auto.
Rain, rain go away
Come again some other day
Flowers need some sun!
Montana is weird
It snowed last week but today
We might hit eighty
Under the heat dome:
I grow spent so soon. Yard work
must be done in shifts.

Dry heat, humid heat
Deep snow, frozen ice, crisp air
Give me the extremes
Hundred and five heat:
Getting up early with hose
in hand - saving plants.

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