Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Good news on crime


Results vary across the country, but in many places crime is going down dramatically. Mostly, I think it is the receding of the pandemic and its destabilizing effects, but the hard work of many people in social services, law enforcement and education probably have something to do with it, too.
Here in Minneapolis, the news is pretty good. If you ever want to check out the trends, the City of Minneapolis has a very hand dashboard.  It reports both year-to-date compared to prior year (both the prior year and the preceding 3 years) and the last 28 days compared to the same period last year. Here is some of the good news:
Motor vehicle theft, which has been a huge problem, is down about 35% compared to last year up to this date. 
Homicides are down a little-- about 9%. (though it is small numbers-- 20 v. 22).
Carjackings are down, too, by about 24%. 
Robberies are down 12%. 
Stolen property is down 27%.
That's all good news, and the crimes that have crept up or remained flat (including vandalism and domestic assaults) are only up a little.
Law Enforcement is always wary of the coming of summer, but right now things look ok....

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