Sunday, April 14, 2024


Sunday Reflection: Is it about Jesus?


I've always struggled to find the right church. Part of it is that what I care about most, the heart of the faith for me, is what Jesus actually taught. Not the interpretations of others and tradition and creeds, etc. etc. etc., but the complicated and fascinating things that he said we should do. I'm pretty imperfect as a student, but I do know who my teacher is, and I'm focused on learning from him rather than the smart-alecs in the class (or who never really took the class).
It's surprising how hard it is to find a real focus on that in a church service. I did find it at 7th and James in Waco, and here and there since then.
And yes, I realize that many people think my interpretation is wrong-- that Christianity is a rich tapestry of interpretation and structure, etc. etc., but that just isn't what it is for me!  
That means that when I go to church I'm often left unmotivated and unmoved. But sometimes... when a preacher takes Jesus literally in what he taught-- it can be thrilling and special.
What will I find today?

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