Wednesday, April 03, 2024


My least favorite slogan


My least favorite slogan: "It's better to seek forgiveness than to ask permission." I've never met a person who says this who wasn't a complete jackass.
It is usually used to justify conduct that hurts or inconveniences another person or other people. And the idea that it's better NOT to talk to people ahead of time about a plan that will impact them directly is just inconsiderate. It's just selfish.
The phrasing is poisonous, too. By phrasing consent as "permission," it gives the victim of this inconsideration the veneer of power-- which clearly they don't have if they can be so easily ignored and relied upon to forgive.
Yet, people treat this phrase like it is from the Bible (it isn't, and it's the opposite of what Jesus taught).  
So, now you know one thing not to say to me....

Funny— do you remember that’s what Grace Hopper said at our graduation? I don’t remember much else, but I do remember that! Did you dislike the phrase back then?

And if you’re asking, I really hate “that must be nice”

I don't care. I'm still not asking for permission to have ice cream while I drive.
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