Tuesday, January 30, 2024


Biden's Dilemna


The nation of Jordan in is in a precarious location, wedged between Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, all of which deal with their own complicated security concerns. It was there that three US Army reservists were killed and over 40 injured by a drone launched by an Iranian-backed group last week.
Now, President Biden needs to make a hard decision. Many are calling on him to retaliate against Iran itself, which would be a very real escalation of the conflicts in the area. Others seek a more restrained response, directed at the Iranian-backed groups in Iraq. Even that, however, will make things more difficult with Iraq, where we also have troops stationed.
It's a messy world right now.... 

I have no indside info and only know what I read in the Washington Post, New Yorker and hear on NPR and local radio news, but what I would do is strike the Iranian bases and Iranian backed Houthis in Yemen again and harder.

Their interference with Red Sea shipping has the real potential to totally screw up the world economy.

A strike in Yemen on Iranian interests would not be a "direct" attack on Iran, but it would show determination and resolve.

Having said that, I have no idea what kind of collateral damage in terms of civilian deaths that would cause. The same could be said of any other kind of attack.

The (not always honored) respect for non combatants and the willingness to take prisoners that was a sometimes honored hallmark of western warfare is not part of the culture in that part of the world.

As you say about criminal law, these conflicts are all tales of tragedy.
Good insights!
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