Thursday, December 07, 2023


PMT: The Republican Debate


I know people will think I am making all of this up, but the following things all really happened at last night's debate, which was hosted by Megyn Kelly on some obscure streaming service called "NewsBob" or something:
-- Chris Christie said (accurately, according to fact-checkers) that Vivek Ramaswamy is "the most obnoxious blowhard in America." Earlier, he had told Ramaswamy to "shut up." (full disclosure: I was yelling the same thing at Ramaswamy at that moment).
-- Ramaswamy, in turn, said that Christie "should get the hell off the stage."
-- Ramaswamy also said that Nikki Haley is a "fascist."
-- Ramaswamy then said that Haley is "corrupt" while holding up a sign (really) that said "Nikki is Corrupt."
-- Ramaswamy helpfully provided a list of bonkers conspiracy theories he believes in, including that the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection at the Capitol was "an inside job."
-- DeSantis made the odd claim that Haley would let corporate America run her immigration policy. Republicans have traditionally done what corporate America pays them to do, so this was an interesting twist.
So, yeah, fun! 

Meanwhile in heaven, Lincoln and Douglas are holding their heads in their hands.
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