Thursday, December 21, 2023


PMT: Our (un)changing cars


When I saw the car pictured above (near 6 Mile Rd. in Detroit), I remember thinking "Wow-- they don't make big cars like that anymore!"
But then I realized how dumb that was. The vehicle right next to it was just as big-- it was just an SUV rather than a station wagon. And parked nearby were several other SUVs and trucks that were even bigger.
The truth is that we aren't moving very quickly towards driving different vehicles with climate change in mind. In my own neighborhood, it's pretty normal to see a single person driving a behemoth Expedition or Land Rover, probably getting about 16 miles a gallon. 
My own car is a diesel-- a super-efficient sedan that gets between 40-52 miles to the gallon. I always think about the next car, which I think will be a plug-in hybrid. What I'm finding, though, is that companies don't make many of them. Instead, they keep them rare while pumping out many more of the gas versions of the same vehicle. 
Besides Tesla, US car companies do a great job of promoting their "green" cars-- but a pretty lousy job of getting them onto the market.

We had to drive to NJ to get our plug-in hybrid Hyundai Tucson— inefficient system, but great car! Des
I like the idea of a hybrid. I take too manyblong trips to stop and recharge. I typically gas and go. No wandering aroung Buckies to kill time. I am also concerned about the batteries in electric cars. Environmentally they are awful and if one dies they aren't cost effective to replace.
Our Hybrid Pacifica is excellent. Detroit can make BIG hybrids and e-vehicles, but not small ones.
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