Sunday, November 19, 2023


Sunday Reflection: Story Complexity


This morning, I will be giving the sermon at 1st Covenant Church-Minneapolis, at 10 am. It may sound goofy, but the sermon is on the same topic as the law review article I am working on. 
The text is Matthew 13:10-17, where Jesus explains why he relies on parables. I have always loved that about the Gospels-- they are full of these rich, complex stories. 
In truth, I live in a world of rule complexity. The statutes, the sentencing guidelines, everything in my area of the law, nearly, is about rules. Rule complexity inherently favors the powerful, as they create and manipulate them, and have the resources to master them. Taxes are world of rule complexity, for example, and tax codes favor the rich through that complexity. The tool of the outsider, though, is story complexity. I think that is one reason I love clemency work: it is all about story complexity.
 As I was working on this I began to think about my dad. His work, his paintings, may seem static. In reality, though, they all were driven by a story. And I am coming to realize that they are all driven by his story. 
For example, there are several of people sitting in the back row of church-- the people who got there late, or weren't sure they should be there. And, I think, that was him for much of his life; the person who wasn't quite sure what to make of church.

And this one, of someone out in the water, perhaps too far out:

 That's him, too. He would do that, of course, go too far out and then worry us all, but in an actual lake and metaphorically.  That's him, I suppose; it all is. And I love that, too.

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