Saturday, November 18, 2023


Once in a while, I'm correct....


Some of you might remember that back on October 12, during the Hamas incursion into Israel, I wrote this:
My own hunch (and it is only that) is that Israel suffered from something that I see afflicting criminal law: an over-reliance on electronics while the good old human aspect is ignored.
For example, it sounds like Israel had remarkable electronic surveillance of communications in Gaza. So why didn't they see this coming? The answer could be that Hamas shunned electronics, or used them to send false messages, while relying on actual conversations to spread information. 
And the border area appears to have lacked adequate manpower to actually monitor movement using all of the electronic sources available. All the cameras in the world don't matter if no one is watching the screens.
It turns out that I may well have been right. Check out yesterday's article in the Washington Post concluded that:

[O]n Oct. 7, Hamas exploited vulnerabilities created by Israel’s reliance on technology at the “Iron Wall” to carry out the deadliest single assault in Israel’s history.

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