Thursday, October 19, 2023


PMT: Israel and Gaza

 I worry about what happens next in the Middle East.

Hamas began this slide towards global-scale catastrophe. I don't know what they thought the long game would be on a brief incursion into Israel focused on taking hostages, killing civilians and wreaking havoc. What did they think would come next?

And now the aftermath is unsettling. Israel is likely to send ground troops into Gaza, which will be a difficult and bloody path. On Israel's border with Lebanon and Syria-- countries that have had their own epic dysfunctions in recent decades-- Hezbollah and other groups have been seeking conflicts. 

The current instability opens up terrible possibilities, including direct involvement in the conflict by Iran, or a provocation that Israel counters with nuclear weapons. 

It's been that kind of year...

Hamas, and many many many other groups and individuals DESIRE, YEARN for Chaos and mass death. If millions were to die, people who think like this are convinced that when the dust settles THEIR SIDE will survive and triumph.

The farther we get from Hiroshima and Nagasaki the scarier this becomes. Some terrorist group or government is likely to get ahold of a nuke and set it off, with a view towards destroying the enemy and rebuilding.

As history shows, however, the law of unintended consequences will come into effect.
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