Wednesday, September 13, 2023


Apple cord mayhem!


Houses in Minnesota often have a "mud room," kind of an extended side entryway where you can detransition from the weather outside to the weather inside. The one here has several cabinets jammed full of stuff-- and one of those cabinets is pretty much old phone chargers. Most of them are for long-gone devises, in forms that have not fit anything since 2007 or 2011 or 2017. 
I've had iPhones since they first came out (I still have that first one, which is like a small white brick with a moving dial thingee at the bottom). That means that I have an assortment of cords for various iterations as well-- and that wheel is moving again.
The new iPhone 15 was just unveiled, and it will replace the old lightening charger with the European standard USB-C. It's not such a radical change-- Apple laptops and tablets already use that standard.
So, in the not too distant future, my cabinet in the mud room will get a little more jammed....

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