Sunday, July 30, 2023


Sunday Reflection: No royalty for me, thanks


Those of you who have been following along here for a while know that if there is one thing I absolutely can't stand, it's royalty. The adoration of the British royals-- a bunch of bumbling half-wits who are only known because of who their parents were-- baffles me, as does the idea of royalty in the modern age at all. Thank goodness I live in a republic!
The inanity of it is only part of why it bugs me so much. The other is that royalty, at some point, is rooted in the idea that some people are just better that others, regardless of what they have done or accomplished; at its worst, the idea of royalty rests on the bizarre thought that they were chosen by God. That violates my religious principles as well as common sense, as I believe that the light of God is in all of us, and no one is born "better" than others.
 Sometimes people will tell me "Well, the royals don't have any real power anymore." Maybe. But then why have them at all? 

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