Sunday, July 09, 2023


Sunday Reflection: The heart of summer


This has been an extraordinarily hot summer for the world as a whole, as a heat dome prepares to clamp down over the Southwest and make it even worse. It Texas, it sounds like it has been grueling, with temperatures over 100 for weeks at a time in many places.
I live in Minnesota, though, where the high has been in the 70's recently. We love summer, of course, because we don't get much of it! I've never been to a place where people spend so much time outdoors in this time of the year, but it's overwhelming. Yesterday I went on a long bike ride and was happy to see people out everywhere: planting things, walking, biking, grilling out. 
We appreciate most what we have the least of. 
I've often thought about Jesus and the apostles. They had a lot of many things: attention, fellowship, a sense of purpose. They probably didn't have a lot of some other things, of course: stability, for one thing. Perhaps that is why they seemed to relish those quiet moments so much, the ones that seem so human and normal. Our last sight of them, of course, is their sharing breakfast by the sea. 
Enjoy what we have right now! 

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