Sunday, July 16, 2023


Sunday Reflection: Certainty?

 I understand agnostics, and I think everyone of us has been on the agnostic spectrum at one point or another. A lot of the really smart people I know are agnostic, and their argument can be a good one: after all, if there is a God who was all-knowing and beyond our understanding, would we know it? y

The people I don't get are the Atheists, who believe there is no God. That certainty is pretty much the same as what bugs them most about Christians (or at least what they imagine Christians to be).  Just like the worst arguments by Christians, Atheists like Richard Dawkins has the fictional God he doesn't believe in by an entity that is not as smart as, well, Richard Dawkins. 

To put it another way, Atheists and those Christians I find toxic have something important in common-- a certainty about God's existence that almost always involves a real or imagined God who is something less than beyond our comprehension. 

I believe there is a God, and that it is not me. My beliefs about the existence of God are rooted in that unknowability-- and all that goes with it, including, sometimes, doubt.

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