Thursday, July 06, 2023


PMT: DeSantis's challenge


Ron DeSantis really wants to be president-- it seems like he has lived his life to construct a biography leading to that, intentionally. And yet he seems unable to dent the support Republicans show Donald Trump.
Floridians generally seem to really like him-- they have elected him governor twice, after all. I'm not sure why, really, but they do.
He's in a quandary.  If he attacks Donald Trump too directly, he alienates those who support him now. If he doesn't, he can't seem to make a mark on Trump. As Nichola Nehamas put it in the NY Times, DeSantis "has not shown that he is a natural campaigner, has failed to take off in the polls, and his carefully choreographed public events have offered few headline-generating moments."
Some have suggested-- and this may be the truth-- that DeSantis is hoping that something incapacitates Trump, leaving him as the heir who kind of stayed loyal but still ran against him (or something like that).
It might be his best bet.

We best hope he fails. He is far worse that tRump. He is a sneaky piece of .... and far more intelligent with his Yale and Harvard degrees.

The list of what he and his super majority legislature have done on the authoritarian scale is mind boggling. Trans rights, abortion, book banning, immigrants, hiding his travel, the list is endless. He removed the elected District Attorney in Tampa for no good reason. And we have no gun restrictions.

Many fell in love with him because he said FU to the covid restrictions. He was handing out that one IV treatment to any and all - not those most in need. Ran through the States allocation of the treatment and complained about Florida being denied. Florida is a crazy place right now because of Ron.
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