Friday, March 24, 2023


Haiku Friday: Oops! Got that one wrong


I've been really wrong about some stuff lately.
My bracket had Purdue winning the tournament.
And when I was visiting my dad in the hospital, the cardiologist mentioned a heart catheter. "Right, that's when they have a tube with a camera at the end go into the heart valves? Or a tiny submarine?"
The doctor seemed bemused. "No, it's just a little tube. No tiny camera or submarine."
I realized later that my mistake was based on a grievous misunderstanding of a Magic School Bus episode. Oops!
So let's haiku about that this week-- those moments where we were just kinda wrong. Here, I will go first:
Yeah, I chose Purdue
And Kansas. Baylor. Marquette.
Not looking so good.
Now it is your turn! Just use the 5//7/5 syllable formula and have some fun!

Came home from Berlin.
They asked, “Will that wall ever fall?” “No way!” said I.
Oops—let’s try with proper spacing!

Came home from Berlin.
They asked, “will that wall ever
fall?” “No way!” said I.
Mask in the airport?
You’re overreacting, dude.
March, 2020
First time making bread
Kneaded, waited, dough still flat
Yeast had expired
I thought she would last
Forever, but I was wrong,
Wasn’t the first time.
—The Medievalist
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