Sunday, December 04, 2022


Sunday Reflection: Quiet


It's Advent, my favorite part of the liturgical year. I love the idea behind it, the sense of contemplation and waiting, the quiet to it.

But... I'm not very good at contemplation and waiting. I want to be. I understand why it is important. I just don't do it very well.

Part of the problem is that there always turns out to be so much to do right around now. This year, it is working with the transition of Mary Moriarty into the job of County Attorney and leading the largest law office in this state. It just... well, it takes a lot of time. And it isn't exactly restful. 

But there are moments of quiet. That's one great thing about church: it is a controlled environment. No one is going to come up to you with an alarming message. There is some time with your thoughts in a beautiful space. It's worth getting up for. 

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