Monday, December 05, 2022


Oh, Iowa....

 As it turns out, "Iowa" was not the most popular topic for haiku, and I guess that one is on me. I could have picked "New York" or "California" as topics and done a lot better, I suppose. This one seemed to drive most of our normal poets away. I will come up with something better next week! 

Iowa does have it's charms, of course. Christine offered this:
Fields of corn, endless...
Someone plowed some acreage to
build a baseball field.

And we had a anonymous entry:
Pasta Barilla!!!
I always liked to announce
As we sped by Ames.

And one from Razor Wife:

The minivan mom
Busted on I-35
Within Iowa

I wasn't speeding
Cop looking for a blue van
Not our family.

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